The babe necessities 

With some lovely new pregnancy announcements from friends in recent weeks and as I am ensuring all my baby must haves are ready I thought I'd share my favourite baby/ newborn things with you.

Angel care sound and movement monitor- linked here

This is my baby must have. Both my sisters used it for their babies and it was a life saver with Bella (literally) as at 8 weeks old Bella choked and during the night, the monitor went off and as I looked into the Moses basket Bella had lost all colour and stopped breathing. I used it from newborn to Bella was a year and rolling off the monitor. I have the monitor ready to go again.

Nursing pillow- linked here

Brilliant for breastfeeding or bottle feeding babies as it gives support for your posture during night feeds when propped up in bed and then also for laying baby in to prop them up. Can be used during pregnancy as a support pillow also.

Buggy/ travel system

I have the iCandy Peach travel system from Bella however if I was to do it all again I would have bought a pram that can fold altogether instead of having to take all pieces off everytime. I got the Bugaboo Bee this time for occasions that either I have the baby on my own, Colin is with me or that I am using a baby carrier for the newborn and Bella in the stroller. I will still get to use the iCandy as a double however Bella is a Miss independent and hates getting in a pram so unless you are planning on having your babies very close together I would advise you to look for a travel system style pram that can also be folded away altogether, quick, lightweight and handy for the toddler years too.

Water wipes

These are great for the very early days when newborn skin is so delicate and you would rather just use 100% water on the skin. I found that being out and about the cotton wool balls and water were not practical for messy bums and only found out about water wipes as Bella got older. I have made sure im stocked up this time and ordered a full box off Amazon as they are expensive to buy seperate at your local supermarket.

Swaddles/ Muslim squares

These have so many uses as a great breathable swaddle, nursing cover, lightweight blanket, shoulder cover, dribble cloth and pram cover for sunny days. There are so many great one, here is a pack from Aden and Anais they are costly but 1 pack has 4 in it, they wash brilliantly, have lots of uses and I think it's money well spent.

Moses basket/ crib

This Moses basket is very special to me as it is my own from I was a baby. 27 years old this year and baby number 10 going into it (all my nieces and nephews used it and some family friends). Needless to say buying a good crib or basket means it can become a family heirloom by taking good care of it and replacing the mattress for each baby.

Sophie la Giraff - linked here

At the start I thought this looked like an over priced dog toy but there was a time in the house that if anyone could listen in they would think Sophie was a person. This squeaky toy came everywhere with us and many teething days were made more bearable by our good friend Sophie. I already have her sitting ready for the new baby.


I went really wrong with Bella. I bought a fancy swing that looked great but also seemed so uncomfortable. I ended up borrowing a bouncer from a friend and Bella used it everyday to 6months then after the 6months I was lost at what I could let her sit in. This time I bought the Nuna leaf as it is suitable from newborn to 4 years old. Bella has already been loving the new babies seat and goes in for a wee relax and rock in the morning. You can get great condition bouncers on eBay etc and the covers are machine washable. Here are a few great bouncers Nuna leafMamas and Papas Capella and Fisher Price Rainforest Bouncer. Wubba nub/ dummy

I think everyone will be aware of where to get a dummy so thought I'd share the Wubba Nub. I heard of these from my sister in America and ordered them from Amazon. They come in all different animal shapes and are the same shape that neo natal would use on premature babies to encourage the suck reflex, they are great for breast feeding babies as more likely to accept the dummy and also from about 3 months due to the teddy being attached the baby can find it themselves. Only downside is that they can not be put in a steriliser, need to be left in a cup of boiling water to clean.

I hope these are of some help, please share your baby essentials and your top baby products.

Anna xx


To my baby bird

