Our weekend in pictures - Annie's 1st Birthday πŸŽ‚πŸ’•

Wow what a weekend! I may have forgot to get the invitations to Annie's party sent out (can I still use the baby brain excuse?) but the sun did make a guest apperance and it was so welcome!

I got really emotional on the lead up to Bella's first birthday but I didn't see it happening again for Annie's. I thought with her being the second child and knowing that the next stage is so much fun, exploring the world with them and watching a real wee character shine that this would stop the tears this time. Nope. My emotions ran high the day before and the day of her party, I relived so much of the past year and also wondered how it all went by so fast! I am hearing I'm not alone though on this 1st birthday thing? Maybe it's because it feels like we are finishing the baby chapter? Good thing they will always be our babies.

We had a BBQ at the house which I love to do as it feels very intimate with our close family and friends. Everyone gets to play a role though, I was decorating little bits from a few days out, my mum helped with the food and my brother in law made the most amazing salad... Which ended up on the kitchen floor. πŸ™ˆ I think it's really special having their birthday at home but like Bella's the second one can be in fun factory where we just have to turn up.

We spent Monday at the Zoo, packed a picnic and enjoyed the most glorious weather then hurried home to get the paddling pool out.

I think it's fair to say Annie had a ball this weekend with the highlight being her first taste of birthday cake. We even let her have a second slice today at the zoo while Colin, Bella and I got to sing Happy Birthday to her, this time I even got the words out.

Anna xx

Girls dresses - Here


 The last day of maternity leave


To my Annie bird