Who am I?

Today I sat in front of my boss, preparing for a presentation I have coming up (the biggest one in my career so no pressure) and when I was asked to describe 'who am I' I sort of panicked.  Why is it so hard to describe yourself?

So I thought I would scribble it down share it with all of you, my new followers and for my old ones too as really, I have never properly introduced myself. 

I am mama.

To 2 little rascals Bella and Annie. I choose to be defined by mum (or Mammmeeee) to me there is no better thing in the world, as cliche as it sounds becoming a mother has changed me, realigned my priorities and give me a sense of immense purpose. I get to royally screw up on a daily basis, wear the contents of someone's breakfast most days and be awarded for when I get things right in the best of ways, nothing beats hearing 'your the best mudder, I won't swap you' Cheers kid I won't swap you either (most days!)

I am a wife.

Not the conventional kind. I can't cook, I burn oven pizza and I don't believe in ironing bedclothes (who has time for that?) I have been with Colin for 10 years, we were childhood sweethearts that started as friends and thankfully that hasn't changed one bit. 

(This is what he got to arrive home from work too... Fair play to him, he give it a go.)

I am a daughter, sister and auntie Anna

Family is everything to me they are greatest support network I have and without them and Colin I couldn't have the career I have.They say 'the whole is greater than the sum of its parts' like a Russian Doll they are all the parts that are behind me that support me to be a mother and have a career. Having 3 older sisters is like having 4 mums, which when I was 16 was a nightmare but now it's amazing as my mum and my sisters are my best friends.

I love photography.

Life can be mundane, we can take for granted what is in front of us and I love to capture the beautiful in everyday. I love to keep things simple, seeing the world through my children's eyes and the awe of the little things like when finding an acorn, enjoy long walks outdoors, great coffee, camping and bbqs (if you like crispy bacon, crispy chicken or crispy beef!) 'The more the merrier' would often be said in our house and I am always up for the craic (if you are not from Norn Ireland this is entirely different from crack).

I am a leader

I have the privledge of working together with a great team and right now have a great opportunity doing my job on a 4 day week. I am proud that I have got to be the first to try it in Northern Ireland. I hope to set an example for my girls that if you really want it, work hard, treat people right and the world is your oyster.

I believe

I believe that of you take great care of the people in your life, be it at home or at work, the rest will take care of itself. My aim is simple and I hope that how I make people feel will become my legacy.

This is who I am and I, just me, as 1 person am not very interesting but I am really lucky that I have a tribe around me, that together make life a great adventure. 

Anna xx

Here's a little reminder I posted on my Instagram last night and thought I would share with you all!

Mums or not, at work or not... Just life in general! As much as we say we are 'just winging it' don't forget to stop and recognise that you worked bloody hard for it!! If it doesn't come easy... Most of the time it's because we are working hard or giving all we got, not always just winging it 😉 #imstillwingingmyeyeliner #sometimesjustgiveyourselfthecredit #youdeserveit #begentle




Advice to my children