Mother's Day ideas

I have spied or purchased some beautiful little bits recently and all from small and personal companies so I thought I would gather a list and give them a shout out as I love to support small businesses and you never know it could be a handy one to accidentally send to your other half. We all know that nothing in the world beats waking up to little ones climbing over your head (well passed 6am ideally) though if petrol station flowers and confectionary is on his list then maybe you would rather sway him another way. I need a little help as my hubby informed me 'your not my mother' when I hinted about a new hoover for Mother's Day.  Peonie Cole Textiles custom made make up cases, cushions, bunting and much more...

Hand on heart jewellery personalised finger print, hand print, foot print or drawing jewellery. 

Selfish Mother Jumper (a percentage of proceeds go to charity) 

Lines and Current handmade jewellery 

Lily Meave designs customised prints 

Eat naked NI - a bit of a random one but imagine getting the gift of fresh and healthy homemade meals right to your door for the days you barely have time to blink! 

Bramble Green - Handmade bobble hats from NI

Cooper letters Max Brown interiors

SóSoy candles- made beside the Giants causeway 

Rianna Philips monogrammed phone case (there are many more amazing products but I'd love this one!) picture by Emily Jane Lathan

Anna xx


The 'choice' of being a working mum


A little of what we are loving ♡