Shopping with toddlers 

I got 2 online deliveries this week, both were orders of some new work clothes and both were completely unsuitable, I actually knew this by just looking at the items before even trying them on. I needed a day to head into the shops and go proper shopping, not just filling an online basket at 11pm and trying to judge the height of the model online/ cut of trouser.

I suggested to the hubby that we went shopping for the day but to say he wasn't buying it was an understatement (literally)! With working most of the week I don't really like asking people to take the girls for the day as when I have a day off work, I really want to do things with them so this time I wanted to combine both shopping and a day out... I know, 2 kids under 4 I sound pretty stupid for thinking this will ever work! We once ventured to IKEA for furniture and instead I left with 2 bleary eyed toddlers, a migraine, grounds for divorce, the promise that we will never attempt that again, 500 tea lights and of course 2 photo frames.

But as a lady said to me on Instagram, it's like childbirth we soon forget and go back again! Well we go up to Belfast for a little bit of shopping or a wonder around at least once a month, sometimes it's a little more if I use the excuse that I have to 'return' something in Zara (it's crazy you can't send their online orders back via postal service 😜) but I love going up to Victoria Square because it feels like everything is under one roof, it's easier with kids and they always love the restaurants and laid back coffee shops! 

So yesterday we headed to Victoria square for the day, I told Bella we would go to the Build a bear work shop and get pizza for lunch (behaviour permitting) as I knew we would be there for a while. I was on a mission. I wanted new black heels for work, new trousers and to treat myself to a really nice lipstick, colin needed new t-shirts (he didn't realise this but I decided from doing a pile of ironing that the grey tshirt that used to be white had had its day) and I had promised the girls before that I would take them to the very top of the dome when it wasn't as cold.

Shopping with kids needs to have a plan, no matter where you shop having a stroll around is out of the question! So our plan was to head to the Dome first, then a coffee and bun for energy and to build a bear which then should buy me enough time/ brownie points due to the kids being entertained with their bears for a dander (more like a strategically planned dash but it's far better than nothing) around the shops, my favourite being the ground floor in House of Fraser to lust after bags and all the cosmetic counters.

We headed to Zizzis for lunch and it's about the 5th time we have been here since it opened, we have never been disappointed, the service is great and they are very accommodating with children too. Annie had her one and only melt down leaving, I am sure it could be heard from the top of the Dome of Victoria Square but at this stage we had been around Belfast for 6 hours so I am calling 1 melt down a major success... 

Bella and Colin chatted about going to see Boss Baby at the cinema which is right in the middle of Victoria Square but they had just missed a showing.... that's the plan now for a few weeks time and we will be better prepared and check the timings before we go. One little one to take around the shops is much easier than two!

I think that's the key to a successful shopping trip with kids! Breaking it up in between with little things for them and that's why we keep returning to Victoria Square... and if all else fails, it's big enough to hold a yell 😉

Here is a few items I got yesterday and I will do a work wear post later on in the week to show the clothing I got also.

Please share your family shopping trip stories and trips for a stress free day out! 

Anna xx

This post is sponsored by Victoria Square, unfortunately all visits previous and to come have not been, much to my husbands disappointment but as always my opinions and experience are 100% our own however I believe my love of stress free shopping is shared with majority of women!


March round up! 


Too exhausted to exercise