The holiday edit #1 with M&S Ireland 

We are currently in the midst of the post holiday clean up, the mountain of laundry and piles of clothes to be put away.We are also back to our home climate with a bang, the warm sun is no longer kissing our shoulders and today, at home it's more like frost bite (I wish I was joking)

Though we can hope that in the coming weeks the weather picks up again, the sun shines, the temperature rises and we can reduce the number of layers.

One thing I am proud of this holiday is packing and shopping smart! I choose things that after being worn in the evening for the girls they would also be worn the next day by the pool. 

Annie's hat - Here I also picked items that can be worn at home with a jacket or cardigan over them as many years before after 1 week in the sun the items have been packed into a plastic box and sent to the attic only to find the next year that they no longer fit (talking about for me and the girls 🙄)

Annie's top and shorts (2 piece)- Here

Bella's dress- Here

One or two items will be kept just for the super sunny, warm days, they will come, I am an optimist!

Marks and Spencer Ireland very kindly asked me to pick my favourites from their summer range and it was pretty tricky especially the kids wear

Annie's shorts - Here

Annie's top (part of a 3 pack)- Here

Bella's Dress- Here

Sock sandals- Here I could have chosen it all but here's what I picked, I decided to add a little more colour and prints as I find I go back to the nautical style time and time again, I added some colour and fun prints to reflect the girls personalities and Miss Bella loved them all (3 year olds have a say in their wardrobe don't you know!) I added a little denim jacket that I can't recommend highly enough, it's not a hard denim but more of a soft flexible material meaning it's comfy for them and actually what they even wore travelling home. I think the jacket will be worn over all of their little outfits at home!

Bella's shorts- Here

Jumpsuit- Here

Denim jacket - Here Of course, for me I went a little nautical with a classic striped tee but to add I little sparkle I teamed it with this silver plated skirt. I love this skirt with a hint of sparkle and know I will be wearing it time and time again and through all the seasons. The ladies wear has a lot of beautiful embroidery pieces, stripes and lace details which has my style written all over it,  though my favourite is these pink mules, very 2017 (or 60's) style they definitely added a little quirkiness.... the weather forecast may not say summer but that's not to stop our wardrobes!

Top - Here


Mules- Here

Anna x

* This post is in collaboration with Marks and Spencer Ireland and Shopping links however, as always, all pictures, words and opinions are my own (and that of 2 little girls that love having their say in what they are wearing!)

Annie's PJs - Here

Bella's PJs - Here

Now, where to next? 

Flip flops - Here


Be you.


Shoppin', champagne sippin' and sleep ins....