Fun days away with Tesco Clubcard rewards 

Shopping with two small children is tough, but I don't need to tell you that. I see it on plenty of parent's faces when navigating the aisles with children in toe. I operate a 'whatever it takes to get in and out' policy to make it as stress free as possible. 

For me, online shopping is normally the best but I forget to do it on a regular basis and realise when it's too late and I could put old Mother Hubbard and her empty cupboards to shame. I am telling you this as that's exactly what happened after our trip to London and with no groceries in the cupboard I had to pack two girls into the car and head to Tesco for a full grocery shop.

Bella and Elsa (also answers to the name 'Annie' from time to time) 'helped' me get what I needed.... referring to the policy mentioned above I was choosing my battles so Elsa got to go to Tesco too.

I believe kids need to be part of the day-to-day activities to really enjoy the 'wow' moments. I tell Bella that every shop is a little closer now to Peppa Pig Land, we were in LEGOLAND Windsor a couple of weeks ago were you can use your Clubcard points to gain entry through their Clubcard Reward Partners programme. £13 of clubcard points admits one which is fabulous considering it's £75 at the gate, that is a considerable amount for the average family of 5, using the Clubcard rewards definitely takes the financial pressure off fun days out with kids and means everyone can enjoy these. 

There are so, so many rewards to choose from. Before I had children I saved my points for Christmas time, they tripled in value to get Goldsmith Jewellery vouchers where I got my mum and sisters their Christmas presents. It helped to take the financial pressure off at the tightest time of the year. The rewards also include breaks away, family days out, gifts, eating out and many more. You can get up to 4x the value of your vouchers depending on how you choose to spend them. You can find the detail and lists here, they can be used instore also. For every £1 spent you earn 1 point.

I have become a lot more savvy when it comes to saving the pennies and I see Clubcard as money back. Tesco has also helped this by sending out a new contactless card so you just need to tap on the card machine to collect your points, there is also other methods such as the key fob or even handier, you can download your Clubcard app on to your phone and use your Clubcard and vouchers there. It keeps everything in one place for extra handiness and hassle free.

So after a novelty banana and orange from the free fruit at the produce aisle (why at home will they barely touch fruit but I take them to Tesco and they make me look like I haven't fed them in a week?), a toy (bribery) and a Kinder egg (because mummy really wasn't in the mood for battles, no one ran away and they actually did 'help') we were ready to escape/ pay.

I always love the colleagues at the checkout, I swear they can read my tense, 'I need to get out of here while the going is good' look as they always chat away to Bella and Annie, involving them in helping and packing my bags also. I wonder if they realise how much it helps me though many a knowing look says they have been there before. I am pretty sure that when Tesco says 'every little helps' they don't just mean saving the pennies, I'm sure they mean that knowing look, the running to get the forgotten batteries and singing 'The wheels on the bus'. 

When asked if I had a Clubcard I quickly tapped my card on the card reader before heading on our way, knowing that our next big trip will be to Peppa Pig Land. Colin's points always go to his favourite pizzeria Zizzis in Belfast as £7.50 of points turns to £30 and it gets us our lunch when we head out for a little shopping trip. Mummy and daddy need a treat too!

You can find out more about the new Clubcard 'one touch' here or ask in your nearest store where someone will always be happy to help. 

Anna xx

* Tesco kindly asked me to be involved in their launch of their new contactless Clubcard and app which I am thrilled about as I am always raving on to family about why they should collect every point. All opinions and experiences shared are entirely my own and if anyone saw the child dressed half as Elsa and half for wet weather in Tesco Ballymena on Monday demanding 'I do it' she is also my own. I have no idea where she takes her strong will from, no idea at all. 


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