We didn't realise we were making memories....

We just knew we were having fun- Winnie the Pooh


I must admit I'm extremely excited to share this video. I will be the first to admit how delighted I am with this little capture that no doubt will mean more and more to me as the years pass, and I have no doubt it will be priceless to the girls to look back in years to come and see little moments of their mummy and them together.

When Kathryn from Day and Age Films got in touch to ask if I wanted to collaborate,I jumped at the chance. To begin with we both didn't really know what we wanted to achieve but I knew that whatever Kathryn turns her hand to turns out fabulous! I had the privilege of working with Kathryn previously on a commercial film for my 'day job' and was blown away with the results, we used it across our social media channels to show our customers how the business supported the local community and it received an amazing response.

We decided to meet for a coffee and instantly hit it off, we chatted for Ireland and I felt lucky to have met another local girl who just 'got it' and I fed off her enthusiasm and ideas. I left that day so excited to see what was ahead for her and also felt lucky to be involved too.

I am starting slowly to make little changes to my blog, nothing grand but they will be done in a timeframe that I can manage with other commitments. I felt that opening with a little behind the scenes video in our home is a perfect reflection of us and where I love to be most, this space is the result of a little hobby that is created at home along with the help of the girls and Colin too.

Kathryn came around on an afternoon that I was shooting images and writing for a campaign, she encouraged me to potter around doing whatever we normally would be doing. Before I knew it two hours had passed and she was on her way, much to Bella and Annies disappointment as they really hit it off. To be honest I wondered what Kathryn could have got as we just done the normal stuff, we arranged flowers for little posies and I snapped some images, I instagrammed, the girls danced, dressed up in princess costumes and Colin cooked a Spag Bol for tea (modern family at its best!)


Never for one second did I believe that Bella and Annie would feature so much in the footage and actually I couldn't be more delighted they did. It is everything Blossomingbirds is about, stemming from my own two little birds who give me the nudge in their own little way as babies to do this, to create this space, who are behind everything and my motivation for everything.

I have more than a piece of footage for a blog. I am lucky enough to have a captured memory, to see the way the girls look at me when they are 4 and 2, to see the joy in their face as they dance around the kitchen, to see the pride and love in Colins face as he watches them. I would have never noticed that Bella grabbed my arm and closed her eyes as she sniffed it whilst we were faffing with flowers, just as they always do with me as they love to be involved. I can just imagine how much they will enjoy looking back on this, when they are older and perhaps with little ones themselves. Simple moments that make your heart burst with happiness, they are life's greatest possessions.

Anna xx

A huge thank you to Kathryn from Day and Age Films, for capturing the girls so beautifully and creating a mini film that reflects Blossomingbirds perfectly! You can get in touch with Kathryn to capture all aspects of family life, lifestyle and special events. There are many different packages offered which can be tailored to suit exactly what you are looking for, films that stand the test of time.
