What's in my hospital bag.

When I posted a picture of Bella, Annie and I sorting hospital bags at the weekend I was surprised when I received a large number of messages asking to share what I was packing.

I LOVE this picture and will treasure it for years and the memories of these pair helping.

I LOVE this picture and will treasure it for years and the memories of these pair helping.

Personally I had to Google ‘What to pack in my hospital bag’ as it’s been 4 1/2 years since I’ve had to think about packing one and I also needed reminding. I should say however, I feel like what I have packed doesn’t cover the extensive lists that are online as I remember enough to know that personally I didn’t feel I needed everything that the internet states such as books, magazines, pamper items as even being in for induction both times (and they can be lengthy), I personally tried to stay upright, in the bath or walking around and had no interest in magazines or books.

I also felt like items such as a dressing gown was unnecessary however I did wear a light cotton cardigan over comfortable bottoms and a tshirt for walking the corridors of the hospital. Perhaps it was the time of year, but I found the hospital I choose to birth in pretty warm.

I have listed the items in my hospital bag here

  • Hospital notes

  • Large nighty for giving birth in (which same one that I wore with both girls)

  • Large button down nighty for after birth- ideal for breastfeeding and dark to hide any potential stains. Nighties are also great for post section so there is no bottoms hurting around the wound. (Gifted as part of a recent collaboration here)

  • Pair of cotton pjs, again button down but perhaps not necessary if not intending to breastfeed.

  • Nursing Bra

  • Maternity pads

  • Large boxer style knickers (some suggest buying the large disposable pants/ nappies and swear by them. I’ve been happy enough with the pad/ large pants before)

  • A pack of wipes (I work alongside Johnson’s but these were bought in Boots. I have used the brand long before I have worked with them)

  • Toiletries bag (from Primark for a set of 3) with - Shampoo and Conditioner (I washed my hair both times after birth), Dry Shampoo, shower gel, toothbrush and tooth paste, hair bobbles, hand cream, deodorant, make up wipes and a small hair brush.

  • Mini make up bag with - a light CC cream (decanted into a little tub, bought this in Boots), mini mascara, lip balm (lips can get SO dry), moisturiser and toner spray.

  • Facecloth (ideal if you can’t get out of bed post birth get your partner to rinse out so you can have a quick freshen up)

  • Multi- Gyn Maternity compresses- bought in Boots. I’ve never tried them before. Used Witch Hazel previously after birth.

  • Snacks/ treats

  • Birthing affirmation cards- bought locally can be found here

  • Not included in the image- comfortable outfit to travel home

  • What is included is some of the selection of hats that my mum has been knitting to leave at the hospital, just incase anyone thinks I went overboard with the hat selection.


For baby - My girls weighed 6lb 3 and 6lb 9 at birth and ‘newborn’ baby grows were still very big on them so I included some tiny baby as this baby is supposedly measuring small. Bella used one babygrow in the hospital (we didn’t stay over) and Annie used 5 in the first few hours so I would pack a few spares and leave in the car.

  • 4 newborn baby grows & 2 tiny baby

  • 4 newborn vests & 2 tiny baby

  • Scratch mittens

  • 2 hats. one cotton, one knitted

  • Cardigan

  • Blanket

  • 1 large Muslin and 1 smaller Muslin

  • 1 small pack of nappies

  • Cottonwool balls

  • Nappy bags

  • Facecloth

  • Baby wash - this time I decanted some baby wash suitable for newborn skin into a small bottle as I bought and packed a lot of miniatures last time and didn’t use them.

  • Vaseline

  • Nipple cream

  • Breast pads

  • All in one suit for leaving the hospital

  • A little teddy added in by two doting and very excited big sisters.


I have also purchased 2 small presents for both girls, a little play make up set (requested) and a Jellycat small rabbit to give the girls from Colin, the baby and I for their help and support and just being amazing sisters.

I am sure I have forgotten something but that’s what I have included in my bags.

My bag is a Longchamp Large Tote bag which I’ve had for years and the baby bag is a Jem and Bea leather ‘Beatrice’ changing bag bought here as there is often discount weekends.


Now, it’s all feeling very real now! Countdown to meet our little one is well and truly on and this time there’s 4 very excited people waiting and praying for their safe arrival.

Anna xx


Girls bedroom


Nursery 🌿