The Simple Days 

Life can be so busy and with many plates spinning and 'to-do' lists never ending, it can be hard sometimes to just break away from it all and slow down.Then there's the other side of things, when you get a day off and the opportunity to spend time as a family the pressure to get the mundane essentials done can feel as much of a pressure as creating 'perfect' memories with the family. 

On Thursday we were kind of feeling it, you know the pressures, from work, things building up at home (I mean the simple household chores) the fact Colin and I have been like ships in the night and we also received some very sad news in the family... instead of the normal morning routine when we have a day off together (also known as 'getting sh*t done') we decided to go a drive and stop for lunch, to clear the cobwebs. We had the most perfectly imperfect day, an unplanned, wrong footwear and simple kind of day. One that we went with the flow, took us where we fancied (well we ended up on the beach due to our 2 little bosses), thankful for an old towel in the car and raincoats. 

I posted this on instagram and it summed up our day perfectly.  

The days we will remember.... they will be the simple ones. Hot coffee and a crumbly bun, a walk along the beach in the wrong footwear, then going barefoot and getting sand between your toes, being chased by the waves and the sounds of excited screams and children's laughter, ignoring that it's raining and you're the only people that's mad enough to be on the beach, singing your favourite song on repeat on the way home, turned up loud and out of tune, holding hands with the person you love and seeing your little people in the rear view mirror, barefoot and happy. (Not being the one that hoovers the sand out of the car 😜) Today was good for the soul. These are the days they will remember, simple, happy days.

A lovely reminder to just cut away from the little things that can weigh you down every so often and pack up the car, coffee cup, camera, (if you are from Northern Ireland coats are a staple), not forgetting the kids and head off for the day. You don't need to have picnic baskets packed to perfection or a wonderful plan as the days with the least expectations will always be the best. 

Anna xx

All of our coats are from Lighthouse clothing that are designed in Belfast (they know the Northern Irish/ U.K. weather when they make their spring lines water proof). I got the girls waterproof all in ones last year (which they are still wearing!) and totally loved the colour and details of these. The quality and subtle details I think make these coats stand out from the rest and the fact that they are locally designed makes me love them that little bit more! My coat can be found Here

The girls coats can be found Here


Fitness and Family in collaboration with Bugaboo


March round up!