Fitness and Family in collaboration with Bugaboo

I shared recently that I wanted to get back into fitness, for my energy levels and mindset (to keep myself sane)... ok also for the fact summer is just around the corner and we have a holiday booked at the end of May, feeling a little toned is always good. I have finally got back into it, got the fitness bug, I am actually really enjoying it and feeling revived. 

I have read a few fitness solutions and a lot of them include the gym... now I have been seeing a personal trainer recently but that was to support a kick start back to fitness, he initially give me a training plan that included up to 5 times a week at the gym (yes 5 times!) but it has been adapted to include running, exercise that can be done with the kids and home workouts too. Being a working mum doing long hours, having 2 young kids and trying to protect the time you do have out of work to spend with your family as well as all the household chores, well, I'm sure I'm not alone when I say that going to the gym most evenings is just not realistic! 

I had been doing some home workout dvds but they just aren't as enjoyable as getting outside so when I got the Bugaboo runner it was a game changer for us (When I say us my hubby has got the use out of it too!), I started with taking Bella with me when Annie went to bed and Colin was in from work, it is like adding resistance training also due to the weight of pushing a toddler but there is nothing like 'faster, faster mummy' to keep you going or the one that did make me giggle 'are you walking or running!'. 

I have a bugaboo donkey so only needed the runner frame as the bugaboo Cameleon, Donkey and Buffalo seats fit onto the frame with the right adapter. We started taking a pram each and jogging, the difference from running with a running pram and a normal pram is night and day... but the girls have been enjoying being part of our runs and we have been stopping off at the park too. I think it's great that the kids see mum and dad doing exercise and trying to lead a healthy lifestyle (to balance out the chocolate and Chinese).

The bugaboo runner does not steer as any shake in a wheel does not support the run so you have to lean in when going around corners or lift the front wheel, which at the start was hard to get used to but now I see it as the core part of my work out 😉.

I have been going to outdoor buggy classes on and off since having Bella and they have really taught me how you can do a full work out with a pram and also that when you are having a rough day, getting out in the fresh air, a little exercise and a good vent with other mums and a coffee can turn any day around! 

I have always been a bugaboo lover and the Bugaboo runner is no different, I love the look of the large wheels and the fact you can use your own pram seat so hood and footmuff can stay on. The seat can also be reclined which has been great as I have been taking Annie with me over her nap time so she sleeps while I am running and while Bella is at nursery. It really has been the perfect solution for working out when you have no one to look after the kids but also to involve them with exercise and the outdoors. 

The Bugaboo runner is suitable for babies from 9 months old... anyway the time flies in I wouldn't be thinking of getting back to working out before then! (It only took me 2 years! 😉)

Anna xx

This post is in collaboration with Pram World but the motivation (finally) and the children are my own.


Annie's birthday weekend, our weekend in pictures.  


The Simple Days